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  Oracle instr


Oracle (var)char functions
Instr function
Number format
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to_date function
Oracle sysdate
Oracle substr
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How to use the CASE statement
How to use the NVL statement
Using XML functions
Oracle date format
Oracle numeric functions
Oracle date functions
Pl sql trim


Oracle string functions

ASCII The ASCII function returns the decimal representation in the database character set of the first character of char. Example: ASCII('b') =98
CHR The CHR function returns the character having the binary equivalent to n as a VARCHAR2 value in either the database character set. Example: CHR(10)||CHR(13) = carriage return plus line feed.
COALESCE The COALESCE function returns the first non-null expr in the expression list. At least one expr must not be the literal NULL. If all occurrences of expr evaluate to null, then the function returns null. Example: select COALESCE(col1, col2, col3) FROM emp;
CONCAT The CONCAT function returns the concatenation of 2 strings. You can also use the || command for this. Example: CONCAT('abc','def') = 'abcdef'
CONVERT The CONVERT function converts a string from one characterset to another. The datatype of the returned value is VARCHAR2. Example: CONVERT('This is an example','UTF-8','WE8ISO8859P1') SELECT CONVERT('� � � � � A B C D E ', 'US7ASCII', 'WE8ISO8859P1') FROM DUAL; = A E I ? ? A B C D E ?
DUMP The DUMP function returns a VARCHAR2 value containing the datatype code, length in bytes, and internal representation of expr. The returned result is always in the database character set.
INSTR Returns the position of a String within a String. For more information see Oracle instr function
INITCAP Transform String to init cap Example: INITCAP('ORADEV') = 'Oradev'
INSTRB Returns the position of a String within a String, expressed in bytes.
INSTRC Returns the position of a String within a String, expressed in Unicode complete characters
INSTR2 Returns the position of a String within a String, expressed in UCS2 code points
INSTR4 Returns the position of a String within a String, expressed in UCS4 code points
LENGTH The LENGTH functions returns the length of char. LENGTH calculates length using characters as defined by the input character set. Example: length('oradev.com') = 10
LENGTHB Returns the length of a string, expressed in bytes.
LOWER The LOWER function returns a string with all lower case characters. Example: LOWER('ORADEV') = 'oradev'
LPAD Add characters to the left of a string until a fixed number is reached. Example: lpad('abc',8,'x') = 'xxxxxabc'. If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are added to the left.
LTRIM LTRIM removed characters from the left of a string if they are equal to the specified string. Example: ltrim('aaaaaabc','a') = 'bc' If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are removed from the left side.
REPLACE The replace function replaces every occurrence of a search_string with a new string. If no new string is specified, all occurrences of the search_string are removed. Example: replace('a1a1a1','a','2') = '212121'.
REVERSE Reverses the characters of a String. Example: REVERSE('oradev.com') = 'moc.vedaro'
RPAD Add characters to the right of a string until a fixed number is reached. Example: rpad('abc',8,'x') = 'abcxxxxx'. If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are added to the right.
RTRIM RTRIM removed characters from the right of a string if they are equal to the specified string. Example: rtrim('bcaaaaaa','a') = 'bc' If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are removed from the right side.
SOUNDEX SOUNDEX returns a character string containing the phonetic representation of char. This function lets you compare words that are spelled differently, but sound alike in English. Example: select * from emp where lastname SOUNDEX('SMITH');
SUBSTR Returns a substring. For more information see Oracle substring
SUBSTRB Returns a substring expressed in bytes instead of characters.
SUBSTRC Returns a substring expressed in Unicode code points instead of characters.
SUBSTR2 Returns a substring using USC2 code points.
SUBSTR4 Returns a substring using USC4 code points.
TRANSLATE TRANSLATE returns expr with all occurrences of each character in from_string replaced by its corresponding character in to_string. Characters in expr that are not in from_string are not replaced. Example: SELECT TRANSLATE('SQL*Plus User''s Guide', ' */''', '___') FROM DUAL; = 'SQL_Plus_Users_Guide'
TRIM The TRIM function trims specified characters from the left and/or right. If no characters are specified, the left and right spaces are left out. Example: trim(' Oradev dot com ') = 'Oradev dot com'.
|| (pipes) With pipes you can concattenate strings. Example 'Oradev'||'.com' = 'Oradev.com'.
UPPER Transform a string to all upper case characters. Example: UPPER('oradev') = 'ORADEV'
VSIZE The VSIZE function returns the byte size of a String.