Overview of Oracle Timestamp
The data datatype in Oracle in actually a date/time datatype.
Next to the date a time in stored with an accuracy of seconds.
In Oracle 9i a new datatype called TIMESTAMP was introduced. This datatype contains also a date/time,
but you can store a fractions of a second. Also a datatype TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE
was introduces. This datatypes have smart logic about timezones.
You can specify a precision (0-9 digits) for TIMESTAMP. The default is 6 digits.
The precision is the number of digits in the fractional part of the SECOND datetime field.
For example TIMESTAMP(4) can contain 4 numbers behind the decimal seperator (example 0.3921 seconds).
Add substract intervals
You can now easy add and substract timestamp-intervals to dates and timestamps.
For example:
Add 60 seconds: sysdate + INTERVAL '60' SECOND
Add 10 minutes: sysdate + INTERVAL '10' MINUTE
Add 1 hour: sysdate + INTERVAL '1' HOUR
Substract 1 day and 2 minutes: systimestamp - INTERVAL '1 00:02:00' DAY TO SECOND
Substract 2 months: sysdate - INTERVAL '2' MONTH
Sample code
For example insert into timestamp column of TABLE times(kol1 TIMESTAMP):
insert into times(kol1 ) values (timestamp'2010-01-10 06:30:00.00223344');
insert into times(kol1 ) values (localtimestamp);
INSERT INTO times(kol1) VALUES (timestamp'2010-01-10 09:00:00.00224455'); -- uses session timezone
insert into times(kol1) values ( timestamp'2010-01-10 10:23:00.333333 US/Eastern'); -- with timezone name
insert into times(kol1) values ( timestamp'2010-01-10 10:23:00.333333 EST'); -- with timezone abbrevation
insert into times(kol1 ) values (localtimestamp);
insert into times(kol1 ) values (systimestamp);
insert into times(kol1 ) values (current_timestamp);
insert into times(kol1 ) values (CAST(sysdate AS TIMESTAMP));
select to_timestamp ('10-Jan-2010 11:10:10.456632', 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') from dual;
Determine values from timestamp
You can select a part of a timestamp with the EXTRACT function
EXTRACT(year FROM kol1) year,
EXTRACT(month FROM kol1) month,
EXTRACT(day FROM kol1) dat,
EXTRACT(hour FROM kol1) hour,
EXTRACT(minute FROM kol1) minute,
EXTRACT(second FROM kol1) second,
EXTRACT(timezone_hour FROM kol1) tz_hour,
EXTRACT(timezone_minute FROM kol1) tz_minute,
EXTRACT(timezone_region FROM kol1) tz_reg,
EXTRACT(timezone_abbr FROM kol1) tz_abbr
FROM times;
-- select all timezones:
select *
from v$timezone_names;
SELECT systimestamp AT TIME ZONE dbtimezone FROM dual;
FROM_TZ: Convert a timestamp to a different timezone.
SELECT FROM_TZ(TIMESTAMP '2010-01-10 09:10:00', '4:00')
FROM dual;
LOCALTIMESTAMP : Current date and time in the session time zone in a value of data type TIMESTAMP.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: Current date and time in the session time zone in a value of data type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
Change timezones
-- database level
ALTER DATABASE SET time_zone = 'US/Eastern';
-- session level
ALTER SESSION SET time_zone = 'US/Eastern';
ALTER SESSION SET time_zone = local;
Date formats can be found here.