Database scheduler in Oracle 10/ oracle 11 with dbms_scheduler
Oracle has 2 different packages for job scheduling.
The old package is called DBMS_JOB.
Since Oracle 10g the DBMS_JOB package is replaced by the DBMS_SCHEDULER package.
The DBMS_JOB package is now depricated and in Oracle 10g it's only provided for
backward compatibility. From Oracle 10g the DBMS_JOB package should not
be used any more, because is could not exist in a future version of Oracle.
A full description of dbms_scheduler can be found
A sample on how to call dbms_job:
l_job user_jobs.job%TYPE;
/* run procedure runjob every hour */
dbms_job.submit(l_job, 'begin runjob; end;', sysdate,'sysdate+1/24');